Friday, May 15, 2009

I am someone who feels I can live with myself, alone. I call myself my best friend. It's not that I don't have friends. No. It's just that I am not scared to live by myself. It's more an ego thing. Moreso because I've noticed the expectations and compromises one has to go through in the name of love...

There was this beautiful article I read sometime back which talked about a father kissing his baby and the baby pushing away the father because his beard hurt him. In spite of this the father continued to snuggle the baby. On this pretext, the author had mentioned how most often we love for our own selfish reasons... I cannot say I completely agree with that author. No. Where there is love and care, there is fear, protection (sometimes over), anxiety, etc. But the author is not completely wrong... I mean how many of us say that even if s/he does exactly what s/he wants I'll continue to love her/him??? If that was the case would we be hearing of parents disowning their children because they disobeyed them? Or worse, children disowning their parents because they felt 'unloved' as kids?

Why go to people? Let me take my own case... I so-called believe in unconditional love... But I have never hesitated in drifting away from a friend who has hurt me... Furthermore, most of my friends have moved away from my life and bizarre as it may sound, I still don't know how or why! 

Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying they are the ones to be blamed. No. I'm sure I was equally responsible for whatever happened, but doesn't it change one's outlook on love? Isn't acceptance the most important part of love? I'm boring, probably yes... I don't like to hang out... For the heck of it... True... I lose my temper... Right... But won't I be accepted the way I am? Does being in relationships mean I must change the way I am...

Coming to the 'M' word, I am not even taking it!! It's been hyped so much. Each person has a different perception of it... Some say it changes you for the better, some say it changes you for the worse, I say it needn't change you!!!

Yes, there will be give and take... and in adults' favourite (my least favourite) words "Compromises" But character change? Life change? Behaviour change? Does it really happen? I've seen it happen... I change my question, should it really happen? 

Actually, I musn't be asking that question... I might not be married, but I have most certainly seen people change over time for someone else or something else... I can't change. Not unless I want to! And if I do, I won't blame someone else or something else... I'll take responsibility for it!

Coming back to where I started (I've said too many things, I know!!) Is it wrong to be a person who feels she can support herself emotionally even while being alone? Why are such people perceived as people with a 'wrong attitude'? I am not planning to live my life alone. No. I'm just saying that I can if I want to... And I will, rather than live false relationships!! 


  1. There is nothing wrong supporting herself emotionally when being alone. Its sign of inner strength of herself. Having said that we shouldnt use defensive mechanism while evaluating being alone. According to psychologist good social life improves immune system and happiness. Therefore, we take our life to the next stage in positive direction. So living alone is not adviceable for any human being. Keep writing. you make me think about various issues

  2. There is no need for a person to change when in a relationship. But love itself brings that change in a person. Its always great to be loved by someone, even you do not want to fall in love with that person. You might not change but s/he would surely change for you and thats what love is. A good post, keep posting, you doing a good job
