Thursday, August 6, 2009

"Ashwattama is dead" Isn't this what Yudhishtira told Drona during the war? It was a white lie. But it was this lie which proved to be a blackmark on his honesty... I ask everyone and myself... What is honesty? What is truth? What are lies???

I lie. All the time. They are all white lies. But I still do. Why do I lie? Simple. I don't want to tell the truth. Why don't I want to tell the truth? Simple again, I simply don't. Why? Why? Am I scared? Naaa. I am not scared. There are some things which I believe I needn't tell anyone, so I lie.

What is honesty then? If I lie so much, how did I become honest? I usually lie when I keep someone else's secret. What is a secret? Anything that has been told to me trusting me to keep it to myself is a secret. And to keep someone's trust I'll do anything...

If I don't want to tell people some things and hence I lie about it, what's wrong? Why should some one know everything about me? I'm not deliberately trying to hide anything. Even if I do why do I become the liar???

Lying to hurt, lying to someone you care, lying like a coward are all wrong (What is wrong?)... But lying for a good cause?? (What is good? Oof I ask too many questions!) But, right now, what is good for me is good and vice versa! As for the questions I have raised... I'm yet to find answers...

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