Saturday, October 10, 2009

Archie Betty Veronica - My Take

Archie walks down the corridor for the second time, arm in arm with his bride - Betty... And readers across the world smile going awwwww! Strange that I am writing about this, I never liked Archie comics (except Dilton... sigh) all that much, but as usual I got on to analyse the three characters, the stereotypes and more...

Archie - "Archie Archie Andrews where are you?" This all famous call by Veronica was enough to make me think of Archie as a typical door mat. His Jug Head friend (pun intended) seems more intelligent than him at such times (Key word: such!!) Anyway, this pig headed guy has been portrayed like regular guys in my opinion... I mean, how many guys do we know actually like a girl who is head over heels in love with him? Archie like other guys needed a challenge... The challenge came in the form of Veronica. And then we all know what happened!!

Betty - If Archie is a door mat, Betty is a shoe sole!! Ok, now don't give me this gibberish about 'unconditional love'... Everybody feels that Betty is devout, sweet, and head over heels in love with Archie.. Well, if I denied that, the readers and writers would pelt stones at me!! But still I dare to do so. Here again, Betty just wants to be one up - over Madam Veronica!! That's it! She felt like she had failed when Archie married Ron, but when he came back to her, it was like she won back her lost prize! It was simply a game, with Archie as the prize!!

Veronica - One honestly written character, apart from Reggie. She was not bad, but she was spoilt rotten and unfortunately the villain! Now moreso because of her breakup with Archie! She is also like Betty, treating Archie as her prize, but at least she is honest about it. And just like any spoilt girl, she has won something, that's it. She doesn't care about it anymore. She won first. Period! Afterwards that prize is discarded!! Archie Andrews was the prize at a price!!

Why am I analyzing so much? When I told you I didn't care much for the series?? Well, I just wanted to voice how I feel about these teenage relationship stories (marriage after school????)... No maturity, no reality, no depth, nothing! All simply lapped up by youngsters...

I am definitely not against Archie comics, nor am I against anyone marrying anyone (Read as IDC) but I sometimes wish there was honesty in these stories that are so famous... If Archie and Betty separate, there's still be reality left... But unlike fairy tales, there will be no happily ever after!!

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