Saturday, November 7, 2009

I have no time for myself. That question was out of syllabus. It's just my fate! God willed this to happen to me... Why do we say all this?

Yes I got that award. Yes I worked hard. Yes they were the fruits of my prayer? --> Why do we say this?

If you notice the first paragraph has no I, if it does, it's always not directed towards the I. But the second one?? It has I written all over it! Why?? Why do we want credit and praise all the time? Why that false sense of pride? And why don't we accept if something we don't like happens? Why don't we take responsibility for any and everything in our lives?

Faith - what is it?

Faith is that infinite belief in my own self that I can face anything external positive or negative (both are relative and everything turns positive with time..) without disturbing my internal peace and happiness!

What a definition!! Ideal and saint like!! Definitely I am not following the above 100 percent!! (ha ha!) but making an attempt is taking one step forward... Isn't it??

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