Saturday, June 12, 2010

When you badly want something and there is a huge wall, it only shows how badly you want it - Randy Pausch - originally in para-schizo

This statement made by Randy Pausch really made me start thinking about it and it is actually absolutely true. Dreams - they define most of our lives. Especially mine anyway. But fulfilling every single one of one's dreams is not at all easy. And so many times when something doesn't go our way, we get disappointed...

But wait, what if we really want it? What if we are ready to get it at any cost? It could be anything, wanting to be the topper, a seat at the topmost B school, someone's friendship, a person whom one sees as a life partner, a job in the best company... simply anything!!! But is it easy to get all this? How much does one have to work for it? How much does one has to 'sacrifice'?

Ok, I simply don't believe in sacrifice. Because first of all, if I really want something, I must be ready to do and face all it takes. It's a choice I have made, so barriers are bound to come. Barriers of so many kinds... Obstacles... walls... The more you want it, the higher the wall gets making the journey all the more interesting...

Waitaminut!!! Did I say barriers? Am I not contradicting myself? I mean, sacrifice and barrier both sound as if I am doing someone else a favour. I want to achieve my dream. I want to reach my destination. I can only see my goal... Means I have to face everything as a challenge right? So the wall is my challenge. How I climb it is up to me...

Coming back to the barriers, they can be bizarre, unreasonable and sometimes absolutely unnecessary. And it's the worst when it's a feeling of 'I'm there, but still not there!' That moment what's going on in my mind??? I can see it. I want it. Now. Very badly. And I will have it. And I will do whatever it takes...

But what does Randy Pausch actually mean when he is talking about the barriers and the high walls? And that sometimes the wall gets so high, that it becomes difficult to see the top?? Well I see it as how much I value my dream. It's not just the ardour with which I'll work towards it, but also, the value attached... The journey that I take, it could be right, wrong, difficult, easy, still I learn at every step.

So if I value every brick I climb over the wall as a potential to learn, even when I finally do get to the other side, I'll only see a much higher wall waiting for me showing me a pathway to more dreams...

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