Saturday, June 12, 2010

Why is it that most men don't like to be with women who are strong and mature?

This post is a topic that I have been wanting to write about from a long time. But just didn't know how to go on about it. Thanks to a person (you know who you are :) ) I have finally decided to go right ahead...

Stereotypical movies: the 'hero' walks into the life of the 'damsel in distress' and then she falls head over heels in love with him... If it is not this, the heroine is an immature child-like creature who loves to fuss about and cry most often on the shoulder of her ever-pampering hero! Yet another scenario, where the girl has faced society evils and this man walks in to save her! Hello!!!! Which century are people in? What about the REAL women? The ones who have a mind of their own and are mature enough to handle twenty lives with a smile?

Then again, I am not talking about extreme feminists. No. I am talking about those normal women who have a life. They have dreams, a career and social lives which they juggle around beautifully. But if you notice, these women seldom have men in their lives who accept them the way they are...

Men, they like protecting their women. Well, some women I already mentioned like that. But most women would rather have a guy who would walk with them rather than act like a hero! But most men like boosting their ego by telling the girl, "look I can protect you" or worse "You are so cute like a kid, I can take care of you"

Coming to the society, how many time have you heard this? "He is a good guy, he can keep her happy." Why? She can't keep him happy? She doesn't have the ability to do so? She can't support him emotionally as much as he can? She will always have to depend on him???

Coming back, most guys' mentality also seems to be this, whether innate or conditioned by the society's way of thinking... They are simply not ready to walk with a woman through life. If she is strong, they say "anyway she can take care of herself, why does she need anyone?" Or worse, some feel, "Oh my God, if this woman can overpower me I can't take it" and the worst mentality "What is the guarantee that this woman will stay with me? She doesn't need anyone!"

Why do men get so insecure where normal women are concerned? Why is it that even their families tell them to mellow down as they might face problems in their husband's house later? Why can't men simply accept such women as friends? Do they feel that strong and mature women don't need friends? Is it wrong to be able to handle life strongly? Why do only very few men respect such women? Why do they see independent women as a threat to their existence? Why?

The society's mentality and most men thinking this way have made women get stereotyped as those people who must accept change as a part of their lives... Not just surname and home, but the very core of who they are! I am not saying all men are like that! Thank God for that!!


  1. Espically in eastern culture we groom the guys in a way that they are powerful than women. So they get really threatened by the confident women. Biologically, women prefers confident person who can protect her. So the demand from confident women frigthens them.They dosent like revealing their weakness.

  2. This is a very very relevant topic--especially in the context of the present. I agree that men are brought up in Eastern cultures, especially, to feel powerful and 'needed'. When they talk about respecting women's independence, it is more like "I won't interfere with the kitchen and you don't interfere with the car". The idea of fixed roles and domains has to change with the demands of time. Yes, men do seem to need a woman to 'validate' their masculinity while vice versa is not really applicable.
